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The First Church of Christ, Scientist
Official home page of Christian Science

Subscription access to all Christian Science publications and archives.
Hosted by the Christian Science Publishing Society.

The Christian Science Monitor
Read the current issue of this Pulitzer Prize winning weekly.

The Mary Baker Eddy Library provides public access and context to original materials and to educational experiences about Mary Baker Eddy’s life, ideas, achievements, and legacy.

Longyear Museum is an independent historical museum dedicated to advancing the understanding of the life and work of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science.
Christian Science Churches and links to their websites
The Christian Science Journal Directory is a complete listing of all Christian Science Practitioners, Teachers, Churches, Societies, Reading Rooms, Christian Science Nurses, College Organizations, Committees on Publication, Nursing Facilities, Visiting Nurse Services, and Military Chaplains worldwide.
It’s an exciting time for youth! Link onto sites just for you:
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and be part of spiritual activism.
Crystal Lake Camp in Hughsville, Pennsylvania
Cedars Camp in Missouri
Campership Fund for help going to camp